Shop is an Eiffel library that allows sharing and
storing persistent objects. Shop stands for Shared
Objects that Persist. The main goal of this library
is to provide the developer a set of persistent
classes that help him develop business systems using
ordinary classes and class structures together with
persistent ones in an as much transparent way as
The main purpose of Shop is to allow to create
multiuser application sharing a single object

Many Eiffel object oriented application have to deal
with often these facilities are provide by an imposed
relational data base. But, if such a data base is not
imposed how to provide such facilities. Some data
base system exists who claim to be object oriented.
But first the meaning of OO is very large and some
time permissive. Second most of these solutions are
C++ oriented or impose to use specific language to
define any object type which could be stored and this
not only for type which would be explicitly be
declared as beeping persistent by also for all their
transitive closure.
Shop preserve the Eiffel programmer who want to
preserve its Eiffel method and himself from
technologies constraints.
basically on wrote only one application with may
run as server, client or event in standalone mode.
One process play the role of object warehouse server.
The other are clients. They communicate through
TCP/IP sockets. The server first load the data from
storage file and the start listening for client
requests. Clients cache shared objects they needs.
They only load data on demand. From the application
program, except at the early beginning, it's no
difference. One original and recommended approach,
consist in writing only one application with switch
to start either in single mode, server mode or in
client mode. This ensure that the set of class is
known in each cases.
In the current context, we concept of sharing
means sharing between separate processes. This not
the usual concept of sharing object by references.
Any sharable class must be a heir of the class
PRESISTENT. This class has only one attribute: the
pid (persistent identifier). This attribute is just
an integer. All registered object, also called
"alive" object have a positive pid. A newly created
persistent object has a null (0) pid until it is
registered in the warehouse.
descendant from this class may include any type of
attributes. Non sharable attributes are privates. In
contrast all persistent attributes are normally
sharable. The privacity of non sharable object is
mandatory. If some non sharable attribute is already
seen by an other persistent object, this attribute
will be cloned accordingly to the persistence closure
rule a the next duplication. Thus, the previous
external reference any more to the body of that
sharable object.
The persistent cluster include also some classes
to store structures. Basically this cluster contains
persistent lists and tables. Those structure are
compatible with usual lists an table but of course
they have no cursors and the manipulation are
subjects to some conditions. One could say that they
are extendibles and prunable only if the client owns
a valid reservation on that structure instance. Any
reservation is only valid for one operation.
Persistent closure
The persistent closure is the set of objects
reachable from a persistent instance, but limited to
the other persistent objects. In this set, all non
persistent objects are private to the including
persistent instance. The duplicata is the result of a
duplication process of a persistent object. The
duplicata and its persistent source, have disjoint
sets of non-persistent attributes but do share the
persistent attributes. The non-persistent attributes
are deep clones limited to other persistent objects.
A duplication is of course not alive (pid <=
The duplication mechanism is used to work properly
on persistent object in a modification session, but
also in the exchange mechanism between
Accessing attributes
A basic persistent is said not safe. That applies
either for ordinary objects or structures. That means
that the access to a persistent attribute is direct
like for any other Eiffel attributes. As a
consequence when a client process requires an unsafe
persistent object it will retrieve the persistent
objects. To be safe, an object should only provides
an indirect access to the persistent attributes. That
indirect access allows to implement an on-demand
access mechanism. If none of the persistent classes
are safe the first access to a persistent root of a
persistent system will poll the whole system. This is
of course unacceptable for performance and even for
sharing reasons. That is why, the instenciable lists
and tables provided in the library have been made
safe. Those classes are actually heirs of HASH_TABLE
from the EiffelBase library made and maintained by
Eiffel Software Inc (ESI-ISE). But it really easy to
make the same type of adaptation for table from
libraries. The instenciable lists looks like
ARRAYED_LIST but should not be used as an "ACTIVE"
Basically there are only two clusters. The first
include all persistent classes, the second include
all the warehouse support classes.
A warehouse is a class that contains a persistent
system. There are two type of warehouses: the
storable one and the virtual one.
The virtual warehouse is a local cache of a real
storable warehouse. Warehouse caches only work in
conjunction with a storable warehouse.
The storable warehouse and the cache communicate
through the network.
The storage is an array of persistent object. This
array has 1 as lower bound and is open on the other
end. The pid of a persistent object actually is the
index of this object into the storage array. The pid
allocation process recycles all the unused slots.
Therefore if the persistent system stay limited in
number of persistent object, the maximum pid is kept
stable after a certain running time.

The storable warehouse is the only responsible for
allocating pids.
warehouse also includes a persistent garbage
collector (pgc). This garbage collector works
incrementally at each insertion of a new instance.
But, some mechanisms are provided to stop and restart
the pgc. Normally, the storable warehouse completes
the garbage collection cycle before storing data in
The cache acts as a mirror of the storable
warehouse but only includes the called pids.
Normally, the root of the persistent system is always
loaded into the cache at startup. The root pid is 1.
It's normally a safe structure. That persistent root
is thus loaded whit out the referred persistent
items. These items are replaced by PERSISTENT_PROXY
PERSISTENT_PROXY is a simple class which only
contains the pid value of the real object. These
objects are the only called if needed. The cache
drives the communication with the server of the
storable warehouse. But the server may interleave
events with the answers to the requests. However, the
cache has a polling mechanism to retrieve pending
events when it has nothing to ask to the server. The
timing of that poll is adjustable.
Any persistent class must be a heir of the class
PERSISTENT. This class has only one attribute: the
pid (persistent identifier). This attribute is just
an integer. All registered object, also called
"alive" object have a positive pid. A newly created
persistent object has a null (0) pid until it is
registered in the warehouse.
descendant from this class may include any type of
attributes. Non Persistent attributes are private. In
contrast all persistent attributes are normally
shareable. The private export status of non
persistent object is mandatory. If some non
persistent attribute is already seen by another
persistent object, this attribute will be cloned
according to the persistence closure rule (see
The persistent cluster also includes some classes
to store collections. Basically this cluster contains
persistent lists and tables. Those structures are
compatible with usual lists an tables but they have
no cursors and their manipulation is subject to some
conditions. One could say that they are extendibles
and prunable only if the client owns a valid
reservation on that structure instance. Any
reservation is valid for only one operation.
Sharable object are also persistent. That means
that the warehouse used by server is able to store
data on file in order to restart the next session
with these saved data. That the reason for the
current naming of sharable object classes. Amount
persistent descendant, the collections are of a
particular interest.

An ordinary persistent is said unsafe. That means
that when such an item is transfered either from the
server to clients from a client to the server, all
it's persistent closure must be transfered. By
contrast, some PERSISTENT_COLLECTION are said safe.
That means that it's possible to send only a part of
such a structure. Ruffly spoken, such a structure are
send without the real items. Those items are replaced
by PERSISTENT_PROXY which just content the pid of the
real item. Without that method, calling for the root
collection of the sharable system, would lead to
download every things. By building safe only the real
part needed by the client are transmitted on demand.
When an item is asked to such a collection, that
collection first check that this item is really
present. If a proxy is found instead, the cache
warehouse request through the network.

In this context, the two main components are the
Both are heirs of more general classes called
SHARED_SERVER and SHARED_CLIENT. Most the concepts of
sharing data between a server and some clients are in
these ancestors.
As depicted in the first figure, the STORE_SERVER
performs the persistent clipping before

sending data to the network and reconnect data to the
persistent system when it receives a clipped packet
from the network. This approach allows using the
storable warehouse in a standalone mode. Therefore,
it is possible to make an application which works
either in single user mode or in multi user mode. In
contrast, the cache does not do the clipping itself.
It does not make sense to use the cache in standalone

This is a set of tools which allow to walk through
the object transitive closures. The
PERSISTENT_SCANNER is a set of functions dedicated to
check the quality of shared objects. These functions
are mainly used in contracts. Therefor they are not
optimized. It's implementation is based on agent
technics. The same scanning function is used with
several agent functions according to the entry point
function purpose. By contrast, the most important
classes for the system performance are :
_CLIPPED_DUPLICATOR. These classes have only one
purpose in order to faster direct function calls.
An example is provided with this library. It
allows to experiment and test this library. This
example is a sharable address book. This is a
EiffelVision2 application. The ISE Ace file are
supplier for Linux. The example include a small
predefined address book named addresses.dmp. to start
the server simple type:
> addresses 10000 addresses.dmp

To start a client type:
> addresses localhost 10000 jean
ToDo list
The following things should be done as soon as
- journaling transactions in case of crash or
power fail, etc.
- Autamatic replay of lost transactions
- More dyagnostic and repair tools.
- A true documentation
Class Interfaces
In the same directory as the present document, you
should find a subdirectory containing a file
index.html which includes the documentation of the
Shop library classes. all rights reserved