Automatic Business Computing
Automatic Business Computing is intended for
small and medium-sized undertakings which
wishes to manage their activity without
spending precisely d'énergie in their
administration. It is the tool which makes it
possible to know all, nothing to forget
without thinking about. It is an automaton
which can act for you but only as you teach
it. At install time, ABC is informed of your
way of making and controling. It will act
thereafter while following scrupulously your
instructions ut to the time you will decide
to adjust your own rules. It will again
adapts itself in order to follow you in your
new rules To know
more about.
Shared Object Persistent, is a
library for Eiffel lover who wish to create
distribuable applications how's process share
a persistent common data system.
In constrast to other data base system
qualified as being Objoect oriented, SHOP is
transparent to the programmer which use such
persistent objects. These object are under a
programming contract as any other one, and
that's it. Of course such a contract express
sone dynamic constraints. To
know more about SHOP.
Not one more language which support
diclared as supporting quiet wel Object
Oriented methodology. Eiffel is the Object
Oriented methode encapsulated in a rational
language. It a approch which realy want to deal
with the concept os reusability. In that
methodilogy, the components must be explicitly
specified. In other word, Engineers using that
thechnology join the club of all serious
enginneering, where one only use products which
specification match the needs for the current
To know more about.
On the basis of our experiment,
in the fields of software development, the
installation of the implementation of the
free operating systems Linux and the teaching
experiment, we are able to offer a range of
standard courses or to deliver some on demand
content. Pour en
savoir plus.

We also offer some reusable components for
those which adhere to their
specifications. To know more
Abstraction.ch all rights reserved