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The formations which we propose are as it should be based on our competences but also on our ethical and intellectual convictions. They results from them two fields of predilection which hold us with heart to offer to you. Free operating systems and software genius with object.


Linux is the downward one of a long line, including/understanding multiple alternatives, operating systems UNIX. Those were essentially fruit of the contest of multiple universities. Then the surface came privatizations with in particular AT&T, SUN and others. Then the return to freedom thanks to a Finnish student came Linux Torval. Rebel, undoubtedly, obviously effective and excel data processing specialist it decided to take again the concepts and to remake the codes of the UNIX core in a free context. Thus was born Linux. Not thanks to competition but well thanks to collaboration. Today, Linux, and other free systems, profit from the largest team of development of the world. This adventure does nothing but start. We suggest you, if not to get into the train, at least to come to visit it.

We propose two training levels:

Linux for all

It is about an introduction on 6 half days. Some concepts there will be learned basic such as:

  • what is this that a computer.
  • What the hardware and software.
  • What the operating system.
  • Where starts the "hardware" or finished the "software", or the reverse.
  • What an onion, and how much layer has you there it?
  • What are it the relations between the micro-computer and the rest of the world?
  • How is a virus caught? Which are the other shapes of dirty animals which trail here and there
  • What the made core and what make the graphic layer?
  • All similar but all different, styles of different the window managers.
  • Which office automation to choose?

Linux for the brave men

Of course, you can buy Linux - box preloaded and préconfigurée for your access to the Net. But, on the one hand it is certainly not the usual way and in addition with the first change of material... Moreover, it is always better in knowing more.

  • How to install a Linux system, when all goes very (too much) well and when the problems occur.
  • How to manage accounts users
  • Essential concepts of safety
  • to manage protections files
  • to install a local area network to connect itself to the world network
  • to install a fire wall
  • To become its own ISP (Internet Provider Service)
  • The hell of the "DLL" against the hell of the "so"...

Linux 3

Further let us go, with those which want to go further, kernel, modules, development etc. To measure is there for that.

Software Genius With Object

The software genius, following the example civil engineering consists in building into large starting from the elements available apropriés possible. In civil engineering, there is beautiful lurette that one does not create any more one career with gravel and a blast furnace to build a bridge. Well specified existing products are used. The software genius is judicious to follow a similar step in the field of the construction of software.

But here, it is not so simple. Most programmer claims he is Object-Oriented (OO). All the designs are OO, all the languages are said OO or "pure object" but almost no component "beans" has a specification. Data processing is a scientific art still quite immature. Space freedom or much do not like to be subjected to constraints of rigour. Admittedly, it is less obvious here than if the system breaks down, it can make as badly as the bridge which collapses. And yet.

And yet, it will have to be arrived well there at the programming by contract specially if one wants to really re-use prefabricated components.

Our offer is articulated on three levels.

Introduction to the OO

2 days for the programmers and the managers

Design by Object

Theoretical bases, concepts, programming by contract, tools, languages.

3 days

Eiffel of the method to the language.

For those which want to make the things seriously.

5 days

Eiffel advanced techniques.

  • Systematic of the contract
  • use of the agents
  • finite-state machines
  • Graphic applications and automats
  • OO and multi-threads
  • SHOP, a model for the multipost ones and persistence

5 days


Ower main product, Automatic Business Computing (ABC), is a business automation software realy fexible. It's fexibility result from the fact that it is intrepretor of finit state automatons. These automatons describe the behaviour of business documents and the finaly the behaviour of the modelazed business.

We provide tutorials specially dedicated to person how are in charge to manage ABC implementation and who avec to build or modify these automatons. all rights reserved
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