Abstraction . That
name was chosen to highlight our dedication to Object
Technology. That approach is indeed completely based
on the concept of Abstract Data Type. For us the
highest art in building software consists of
encapsulating true Abstractions in their jewel-cases:
We are based
in Neuchâtel.,
Switzerland, a world-famous symbol of quality and
precision . Building quality components is right in
the tradition of our city, even if our components are
pure abstraction.
We apply this
approach which conviction in our main product
Business Computing. That product automate the
entreprise management respecting as perfectly as
possible the needs and the culture of each entreprise
or business. This was made possible by making ABC a
finit state automaton interpretor. Thise automaton
are made conform to the current entreprise procedures
and are dynamically adapted as the entreprise change.
And, of course, an automaton is the best to produce
reliable accounting records ! We provide:
- training for Object Oriented technology
- introduction to free softwares
- specified software components
- mentoring for Eiffel project startup
- Eiffel compilers et tools
- and we have own products : Automatic Business
Computing (ABC) and SHOP.
Ower philosophySoftware Engineering is the
art of building software starting from existing
components, not from scratch. From a long time,
engineers of all domain use existing components from
the market. Software only start to thing at the
possibility to adopt that logic. That apparent
slowness can be explained by the youngness of the
discipline. Unlike the mechanic which has been
developed for more than millenars , the software
development is old of about half a century. Therefore
that discipline has still a long to go before being
adult. Notably, software developers have to accept
that it not reasonable to build unspecified
components, and of course it event more unreasonable
to reuse such components. This is the step which
should be made right now and that already has a name:
programming by contractTM . That idea is on the way
now, and we are participating to the propagation of
that evidence.
Ower choiceAccording to, we thing that the
choice of exellences is Eiffel Softwaretm
technology. If you don't known what Eiffel technology
means in termes of methode, language and tools, just
clic the following links.
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Abstraction.ch all rights reserved